Bob Love!
Growing up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, I fell in love with the game of basketball. The game was ubiquitous in my neighborhood.
I would wear basketball shorts under my school uniform every day, just in case an opportunity to play might have presented itself. On my way to the court near my apartment building I would pretend that potholes, garbage cans, and even people walking by were playing defense as I crossed them over and spun my way to the basket.
One of the games I'd play with my friends was 21—every man or woman for him- or herself. We usually played the game on a half-court to get warmed up for a 3-on-3 or 5-on-5, depending on how many people were in the park at that particular time. With no one to pass to, it was great practice for ball handling and managing the pressure of double or triple teams.
As we got older (and presumably better and more daring) , we'd play 21 full court for a more demanding work out.
This summer, my good friend Bobbito Garcia (click here to view his video biography) started his first tournament based on this concept. The tournament is called, "Bobbito Garcia's Full Court 21™ NYC."
As part of my quest to cover New York City basketball, I made my way to Full Court 21 each week, creating my shots from the sidelines. In addition to my still shots, I also captured some video. Here is a short reel of the action.
To learn more about the tournament, visit the Full Court 21 website by clicking here.